Our Contacts
We always have new information available for you. Do not hesitate to contact us to keep yourself updated on the very latest.
Address: 140 Beadle Road, Midlands, Waterfalls, Harare, Zimbabwe
Phone: +254 712 205 860
If You Need Assistance, We’re Here to Help. Just Dial
+263 786338985
CARAPRO is at my the forefront of raising standards in the industry, promoting research and development, and popularizing the consumption of rabbit meat —scientifically proven as the healthiest white meat.
We place a strong emphasis on value addition, ensuring our members capitalize on the full potential of rabbit farming.
CARAPRO fosters the exchange of knowledge and technical expertise among its members, particularly in addressing critical areas such as rabbit welfare, disease management, marketing strategies, and improving sales of both rabbit breeds and meat.
Committed to excellence, CARAPRO strives to ensure that its members uphold the highest standards in rearing rabbits, marketing premium breeds, and delivering quality rabbit meat to consumers. By promoting innovation, collaboration, and best practices, CARAPRO is driving the rabbit farming industry to new heights across the African continent.
Request for Support
Our team is dedicated to supporting rabbit farmers across Africa in every aspect of rabbit production, from ensuring year-round health with proper nutrition, exercise, and preventive care, to effective marketing strategies. Reach out to us, and we’ll be ready to assist you!